Friday, March 6, 2009

HDI Rankings

The HDI rankings look at several different factors when determining the rankings. It looks at Life expectancy, adult literacy, the enrollment rate of primary and secondary education and the GDP per capita. Looking at the rankings of HDI you are able to pick up on some trends geographically. The most developed countries are mainly in the Western Hemisphere with the continents of Europe and the Americas. There are some exceptions to this however. Some Asian countries such as Japan, Kuwait, Australia and Qatar are exceptions however and are ranked pretty high. The medium developed countries tend to be from all over the world. Many Northern African countries along with out some countries in the Middle East are part of this ranking. However there are also countries in Asia, Southern Africa and in the Americas that are part of this grouping. The lowest grouping is made up completely of South African countries. This region just has not been developed and has not had enough stability or resources to be developed. Because of disease and lack of farmable land people have not been able to worry about developing the country because they are more worried about trying to survive. If Sub-Saharan Africa can get its education better and have people become more knowledgable they might be able to start building up their countries.

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