Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Cuban question

I do not think that the embargo should be lifted on Cuba. With all the uncertainty in Cuba right now we do not need to give them any money by trading with them. Some might argue that if we allowed tourism people in Cuba would see how good a life Americans have, and would want that in their country. However they already do have a pretty good idea of what our life is like and know how bad they have it there. There is a reason that many people each day try fleeing Cuba to get to the United States. Also if we have tourist over in Cuba, we have to worry about making sure that they are protected from the Cuba government over there. Also if the government collapses there will be strife in the country for a while and we do not want to get our troops involved in there also. The way I see it there is no reason for us to lift the ban right now. There is a chance that the government might collapse soon anyway and there is no great benefit for us to lift the embargo now.

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