Friday, April 24, 2009

YouTube clip

The video that I picked was a video of a pitch that a player threw during an at-bat on a foreign team. I picked this video mainly because I like baseball and I think that the video is pretty cool. However this video also does show how big baseball is over in the East Asia countries. Out of the sports such as baseball, basketball, and football which are very popular over here, baseball is by far the most important in those countries. The video also shows the different style that the players have in playing baseball, then what is in this country. While the pitch does not happen very much at all it does show what types of skills they value in these countries. In the United States teams are more concerned about who can throw the hardest and who can hit the hardest. However in East Asian baseball there is more of an emphasis on being able to fool others with pitching rather then being able to blow it past them. In the same way with hitting you have very big strong players over here in the U.S. playing baseball. However whenever you look at Japanese and Korean players they tend to be smaller and thinner and yet are able to hit the ball a long way. This is because they work on getting their whole body stronger and hit with a different style then in the U.S. I think that looking at how baseball is played here and there is a reflection of the types of cultures that are present.

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