Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Names around the World

I searched my name Gramenz, and found what I expected I would in general. Most of the people who have the name Gramenz are in Germany, especially eastern Germany. Since that is where my family is from I expected that to be the case. There used to be a town in modern-day Poland which was actually called Gramenz or something close to it. There was one area in Poland which had people named Gramenz in it, although I would have thought that it would have been in Western Poland rather then in the middle. The only other country that has the name Gramenz living in it is the United States. The map showed that in the U.S. most of the people with the name Gramenz were living in the Midwest, especially the northern part. Minnesota had the largest amount of people followed by Iowa and Indiana with Illinois being the state with the fourth most people. I was suprised that Minnesota had that many people and thought that Wisconsin had more people named Gramenz. I am not really suprised by what I found, but I thought that this was pretty interesting to look at. I wish that I had been able to voom in more to look at the counties where the name was found.

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