Monday, February 23, 2009


This map is one that looks at housing prices around the world. As you can tell by looking at this cartogram there are major differences throughout the world. People in more developed countries expect more out of their home then those who are from poor areas. Because of this the prices of homes are much higher then places in Africa or South America. The only country in Africa that has much cost for houses is South Africa. With the prices of homes being down in these places there is also less that comes with a home. Most of these houses in poor countries would have electricity or running water in them. Many of them might be made up of aluminum or sticks and pieces of wood. In places such as the United States, Europe and Japan however there is much more wealth and therefore more money is spent on the houses. Almost all of the houses in these countries will have electricity and running water. They are also much bigger then the homes that are in poorer countries.

I think that looking at this map helps remind us that we do take many things for granted and that even now people are living in places that we might consider huts. We should appreciate more what we have and should look to help those around us who might not be as fortunate.

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